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2019 Single Application (MSSRP)

Please complete and submit this online application. If you have questions, contact the Medical Student Summer Research Programs at physci@uab.edu or 996-0856.

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IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR THE MSSRP AWARD, please read and certify below. Other awards may have additional paperwork and you will be contacted by them directly.

Medical Student Summer Research Programs Agreement: STUDENT

1. I am a student in good academic standing

2. I am not a holder of a Master’s or PhD degree from a program in the biomedical sciences that included research experience.

3. I am not currently enrolled in a program leading to a Master’s or PhD degree in biomedical research.

4. I understand that my MSSRP project must be at least 56 sequential days (8 weeks) long. Any exceptions must have prior approval, in writing, from the appropriate MSSRP Director of the program in which I have committed to.

5. I understand that if I receive MSSRP funding, I may not accept any other summer funding from the University of Alabama at Birmingham during the time of my MSSRP experience without the prior approval, in writing, of the appropriate MSSRP Director of the program in which I have committed to. Noncompliance will result in revocation of my MSSRP award.

6. MSSRP is a fulltime commitment, during which I may not accept any type of employment, significant additional volunteer commitments, take vacation, or enroll in classes/coursework.

7. If I need to obtain IRB or IACUC approval for my project, I understand that I must complete the training and approval process by May 1, 2019, or my funding will not be activated.

8. I will attend/complete all summer seminars/training designated by my program and any additional summer activities pertaining to my research suggested by my mentor.

9. If I am selected to receive funding from MSSRP, I agree to present my findings (negative or positive) at the UAB Medical Student Research Day (MSRD) (Fall 2019). My mentor and I also understand that one of our goals is to have the results of my summer research included in a subsequent publication from my mentor’s lab with the acknowledgement of the student contribution as co-author.

10. If I am selected to participate in this program, I agree to return questionnaires concerning the progress of my career that will be sent to me over the next few years, and I agree to provide change of address notification to the MSSRP as necessary.

11. I independently wrote this MSSRP research proposal.

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