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The UAB Division of Nephrology announces Career Enhancement Awards for Nephrology Fellows interested in academic nephrology. The award of up to $5,000 will be given to Nephrology Fellows to enhance their professional development in academic nephrology.  Allowable expenses include:  attending extramural courses to learn new skills, visiting laboratories to conduct collaborative studies, and materials/supplies to conduct investigation. These funds cannot be used for the purpose to travel to scientific meetings.

Applicants must be UAB Nephrology Fellows in good standing at UAB.  Interested individuals should submit:
  • Updated curriculum vitae
  • A short description (no longer than 2 pages) on the educational/research activity as well as the potential benefits
  • A letter from the mentor endorsing the activity
  • A letter from the collaborative research partner
  • A letter from the sponsoring event (if possible)
  • A budget of anticipated expenses
Applications should be sent by email to Jessica Hargrove.  All applications will be reviewed by members of the UAB Nephrology Fellowship Committee and ranked by the following criteria: (1) potential impact of the educational activity to the career development of the applicant and (2) previous research productivity of the applicant.  All requests for reimbursement must be submitted within 30 days of the activity.

The Division of Nephrology will fund up to three awards each year.