Check out the following training oportunities for summer students:
This is an 8-10 week mentored research experience for medical students during the summer between the first and second year of medical school. Funding for this program was made possible by a U54 grant (DK 137307) from NIDDK to the UAB- UCSD O'Brien Center and supplemented by institutional support.
80% of the student's time is spent in the laboratory or the clinical research setting and the remaining 20% in acquiring the methodological training in clinical and translational research. Trainees also participate in courses that focus on responsible conduct of research, the mentor-trainee relationship, scientific record keeping, data ownership, authorship, peer review, reporting results in articles, conflict of interest, compliance issues, scientific integrity, the use of experimental animals, and use of humans in biomedical experimentation.
Find the list of mentors and their research projects here.
We utilize the same application forms for this program as the Medical Student Summer Research T35 Program (deadline to submit applications is March 31, 2025):
The KURE (Kidney Undergraduate Research Program) participants engage in guided kidney-related research with a mentor and attend a variety of seminars and workshops over the course of the 10-week program. Aside from time in the lab students will have professional development sessions and the opportunity to shadow some of our physicians in the clinic.
We utilize the same application forms for this program as the Summer in Biomedical Science (SIBS) Undergraduate Research Program.
PRedOctoral PhD and MD resesarch training in TEams (PROMOTE) program provides a curriculum to develop skills in kidney disease research by immersing student in a novel program of team training and career development of incoming PhD and MD students at UAB.
In coming MD and PhD students join an 8-week focused team project with a mentor team composed of PhD and MD scientists.
Information about all Training opportunities in the Division of Nephrology is located here