323 UAB physicians listed in Annual 'Best Doctors'

Best Doctors Inc. has named 323 UAB Medicine physicians to its latest rankings, up from the 297 physicians named last year. The Best Doctors database includes the names and professional profiles of approximately 50,000 physicians representing about 5 percent of all the nation's doctors. UAB Medicine is the clinical arm of UAB. Faculty members of the UAB School of Medicine serve patients principally at UAB Hospital, The Kirklin Clinic, UAB Health Centers and Callahan Eye Foundation Hospital.

"We are proud of the high quality and reputation of our physicians and congratulate them on this honor," says UAB Senior Vice President for Medicine and School of Medicine Dean Ray L. Watts, M.D. "At UAB Medicine we have outstanding strength across a broad range of medical specialties, enabling us to bring the advantages of academic medicine to health awareness, prevention and treatment for our community."

To find out more information on any of the 323 UAB doctors, visit www.uabmedicine.org/bestdocs.