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SON Equity Advisors

The Equity Leadership Council (ELC) is established to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion at all levels of the University. Comprised of members, Equity Advisors, from across all academic and administrative support divisions of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, the Equity Leadership Council serves as an advisory council to the Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer. Comprised of students, faculty, and staff from UAB enterprise, the ELC works to help UAB achieve its goals of promoting diversity and institutionalizing equity and inclusion as core values.

Internal Advisory Council

The SONoDEI Internal Advisory Council is a working Advisory Council that meets monthly with the charge of moving the SON Diversity Strategic Plan forward. Our strategic plan was drafted by the STRIDE Advisory Council and is seated on the core values of UABSON. Strategic goals were informed by feedback from the internal listening sessions with key stakeholders (faculty, staff, students, and alumni) and responses from the Campus Climate Survey administered by UABODEI.

STRIDE Advisory Council

The STRIDE (stride as in "progress": S-Strategy, T-Teamwork, R-Recognition, I-Inclusion, D-Diversity, E-Equity) Task Force works closely with Associate Dean Dr. Felesia Bowen and Dr. joyce gillie gossom of Best Gurl inc. to improve and the UABSON Strategic Diversity Plan which encompasses our mission, vision, and shared values to help build a community that values diversity, equity, and inclusion.

PhD Student Advisory Council

Our mission is to strengthen diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in nursing science and research through scholarship, community-building, and advocacy. Our goal is to facilitate open dialogue among PhD Students and Faculty, trust-building, accountability, and cultural humility in order to establish a sense of belonging that will create a safe and transparent environment.