Interested in the military, but not ready to commit to service?
Consider taking our Military Science class, an open-enrollment, elective course. There are no prerequisites or commitments when registering for the Military Science class and lab. Enrollment in Military Science DOES NOT constitute a military obligation. You are not joining the Army – you are merely registering for a class.
A week in the life of a UAB Army ROTC Freshmen Cadet
Physical Training
Monday/Wednesday/Friday3 hours and 15 minutes per week
Training includes basic physical conditioning and leadership fundamentals.
Leadership Lab
Thursday (0 credit hours)1 hour and 15 minutes per week
Practical application of what you learn in class; the fun part of ROTC- get out, get hands-on, get dirty; typically the one day of the week that you wear your uniform.
Tuesday/Thursday (2 credit hours)2 hours and 30 minutes per week
Learn how to live a goal-oriented lifestyle; develop and internalize principles and values; familiarize yourself with Army customs and courtesies; develop technical and tactical expertise; bolster communication skills.
Additional Activities
Leadership Reaction Course; Ranger Challenge Team; Paintball Field Training Exercise (FTX), Interstate FTX, Color Guard & National Colors; Military Ball; Intramural Sports.Physical Training
Leadership Lab
Additional Activities
A day in the life

Need additional information or an application?
Contact Cassandra Toney at (205) 266-0176 or