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As a Cadet you can take advantage of special training opportunities through the Cadet Professional Development Training (CPDT) program. The program includes the Basic Airborne Course (BAC), Air Assault School (AAS), Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT), and numerous others. The CPDT program is an excellent supplement to your Cadet training, giving you the chance to experience the Army outside of ROTC. Slots are limited and competition is high, so you should discuss the program with your class adviser as soon as possible.

All contracted Cadets are encouraged to take advantage of the Cadet Professional Development Training (CPDT) program. Participation is generally limited to MS II and MS III Cadets, though MS Is may participate in a limited, case-by-case basis. These programs provide Cadets with training and experiences not routinely found in the battalion or at the Leadership Development and Assessment Course (LDAC). All of the courses are demanding, professional, and fun activities. The cadre will make every effort to ensure that all interested and qualified Cadets are allocated a slot. Most allocations are for the Basic Airborne Course, Air Assault School, and Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT). If you wish to attend another course, you should discuss your preferences as soon as possible with your class instructor.

  • Cadet Troop Leadership Training (CTLT) Programs
    • CTLT - Cadets serve as platoon leaders (or the like) in Army units worldwide. The Cadet receives an officer evaluation report (OER) upon completion of the assignment.
    • Drill Cadet Leader Training (DCLT) - Training is conducted in Basic Training for four weeks. Cadets work closely with Drill Sergeants as they train Soldiers in basic skills. Cadets receive a non-commissioned officer evaluation report (NCOER).
    • Advanced Individual Academic Development (AIAD) - Cadets train for three weeks as interns with the Army Corps of Engineers or other government agencies.
    • Mounted Maneuver Training (MMT) - Training takes place at Fort Knox, Kentucky where Cadets are exposed to the full complement of mounted forces. The training is one week long and utilizes the evaluation system used at NALC.
    • Cadet Intern Program (CIP) - CIP allows Cadets to work with the Department of the Army and other similar offices for three weeks. Cadets receive an OER upon completion.
    • Cadet Field Training (CFT) - CFT is an eight-week program of instruction executed by the United States Military Academy to develop the leadership skills of sophomore Cadets. Cadets must be contracted and have finished their MS II year. Seven weeks of CFT are at Camp Buckner, West Point, NY, with one week at Fort Knox, KY for MMT. CFT consists of basic skill level training ending with the Maneuver Light Training, where the Cadet trains on how to defend against and attack an opposing force.
    • Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP) - The training is only available to nurse Cadets and provides opportunities to develop and practice a clinical phase of instruction at Army Medical Command Treatment Facilities worldwide. The Cadet receives an OER upon completion.
  • Cadet Practical Field Training (CPFT) Programs
    • Basic Airborne Course (BAC) - BAC is a three-week training program conducted by the Airborne School at Fort Benning, GA that trains students in the use of the parachute as a means of combat deployment. Successful completion qualifies Cadets to wear the Parachutist Badge.
    • Air Assault School (AAS) - The AAS is a ten-day course of instruction that trains Cadets on Combat Assault Operations involving associated equipment and U. S. Army helicopters. Successful completion qualifies Cadets to wear the Air Assault Badge.
    • Northern Warfare Cadet Orientation Course (NWCOC) - NWCOC is a two-week program conducted at the Northern Warfare Training Center at Fort Greeley, Alaska. The course is designed to train Cadets in the skills required for conducting military operations in typical mountainous terrain found throughout the world. Special emphasis is placed on basic military mountaineering.
    • Mountain Warfare School (MWS) - A two-week program conducted at the Ethan Allen Firing Range, Jericho, VT. The course teaches Cadets the skills needed to operate in a mountainous environment during the summer and fall.
    • Combat Survival Training (CST) - CST is a twenty day program that affords Cadets the opportunity to practice employing the principles, procedures, techniques, and equipment that enhance survival and evasion prospects, regardless of hostile or adverse climate conditions.
    • United Kingdom Officer Training Camp (UKOTC) - A three-week program hosted by British Army ROTC counterparts. UKOTC provides Cadets the opportunity to conduct ROTC training with a foreign nation.