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Michael Behring, PhD, recently received two awards from the National Institute of Health and the UAB Nutrition and Obesity Research Center. The most recent award from NIH, which is a loan repayment grant which begins in November 2020, was for his extramural clinical research on the topic of the role of the tumor suppressor TP53 in obesity-related colorectal cancer. In May 2020, Dr. Behring received UAB NORC pilot funding in the amount of $20,000 for his study of adipokines, insulin and body composition in colorectal cancer. With this award, he will be working with Drs. Barbara Gower and Amy Goss with the NORC’s Metabolism Core.

Dr. Michael BehringDr. Michael Behring

Dr. Behring is a CPCTP post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Pathology at UAB under the mentorship of Dr. Upender Manne. With a background in molecular epidemiology, social science and information science, Dr. Behring’s research approach considers both the biological and social bases of cancer health disparities. His long-term career goal is to become a successful independent researcher as a cancer epidemiologist with an eye toward applying results to his community.