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In March 2020, Karina Halilova, MD, MPD, received the Palliative Research Enhancement Project (PREP) Nutrition Award from the UAB Palliative and Supportive Care Center for her pilot grant titled, “Elucidating strategies to elicit oncologists’ recommendation to promote healthy eating behaviors among cancer survivors.”

Dr. Karina HalilovaDr. Karina Halilova

In this pilot research study, she plans to examine the impact of oncologists’ recommendation for healthy eating among overweight and obsess cancer survivors following poor quality diets. Additionally, in October of 2019, Dr. Halilova received an “Honorable Mention” Award for her poster presentation at O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB Research Retreat. She recently presented her poster at the American Society of Preventive Oncology 2020 meeting. Another abstract was accepted for publication at the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2020.

Dr. Halilova is a post-doctoral research fellow in the Division of Preventive Medicine at UAB. With the support of the Cancer Prevention and Control Training Program and fellowship, she is gaining the experience and intensive training she needs to achieve her long-term career objective of becoming an independent physician-scientist. This training allows her to develop an expertise in designing, implementing and testing healthy lifestyle interventions for cancer survivors.