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Quality Matters (QM) provides on-site, online, and web conferencing professional development opportunities to a broad audience including instructional designers, faculty, administrators, adjunct instructors, and more! Regardless of your role, you will discover that QM has the tools needed to ensure your online courses are quality courses.

eLearning Workshop: Introduction to Quality Matters

In this workshop, participants learn about UAB’s QM initiative and the QM professional development opportunities available through UAB. In addition, participants learn about internal and official course review processes. Please check Events at the bottom of this page for upcoming Quality Matters workshops offered at UAB.

eLearning Workshop: Applying the Quality Matters Rubric

eLearning offers the Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) workshop to all UAB faculty and instructional designers. The workshop is intended for a broad audience, including but not limited to faculty, instructional designers, administrators, and adjunct instructors. It is particularly helpful to those new to QM or those considering the adoption of a quality assurance process for online and blended learning. In addition to learning about the QM Rubric and the course review process, participants will learn to apply the concept of alignment and draft helpful recommendations for course improvement. The APPQMR workshop is the prerequisite for the Peer Reviewer Course, which is the required course to become a QM Peer Reviewer. Please check Events at the bottom of this page for upcoming Quality Matters workshops offered at UAB.

QM: Higher Ed Peer Reviewer Course (PRC)

The PRC is designed to prepare experienced online faculty to become QM-Certified Peer Reviewers. The PRC includes a review of QM, practice in critiquing and writing helpful recommendations, and a practice review in which the participants are asked to review Specific Review Standards in an online course using the QM Course Review Management System (CRMS). 

QM: Master Reviewer Certification (MRC)

The MRC is an advanced certification course for experienced QM Peer Reviewers. The role of QM Master Reviewer is integral to ensuring the rigor and consistency of the peer review process. In this course, Peer Reviewers will learn the role of Master Reviewer including management of the entire review process and coaching peers to ensure helpful recommendations are provided for course improvements.

If you are interested in becoming a QM Peer Reviewer, the QM infographic explains the pathway to become one. The QM Professional Development Decision Tree can help you decide where to go.

Additional QM Professional Development Opportunities

QM also offers a number of online workshops and webinars in addition to regional and national conferences. Please note that the cost of workshops taken through QM, other than those shown on the Campus Calendar, is not covered by eLearning.

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