Explore UAB

T. Yates

I chose the UAB CEM program because it was 100% online, an accredited program, nationally ranked and highly regarded, the curriculum fit my needs, I was impressed with the faculty during my interview, and UAB is a very reputable university. Because of the program, I have increased my salary, have made some great memories, and would not trade the experience for anything.

An older superintendent told me to never stop learning if I wanted to advance in the construction industry. I had years of construction field knowledge, but I did not have much business or office experience. The CEM classes have been fantastic, expanded my knowledge, and also helped me build some outstanding professional contacts and relationships.

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T. Yates

I chose the UAB CEM program because it was 100% online, an accredited program, nationally ranked and highly regarded, the curriculum fit my needs, I was impressed with the faculty during my interview, and UAB is a very reputable university. Because of the program, I have increased my salary, have made some great memories, and would not trade the experience for anything.