Professor, Graduate Program Director
Hoehn Room 321
(205) 934-8432
Research and Teaching Interests: Sensing and monitoring of built infrastructures using drive-by vehicle and fly-by UAVs and robotics; high performance resilient and sustainable infrastructure; natural hazard and disaster risk management; structural safety of bridge and building structure
Office Hours: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
- B.S., Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Civil Engineering
- M.S., University of Oklahoma, Norman, Civil Engineering
- Ph.D., State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, Civil Engineering
Nasim Uddin, Ph.D., PE, F.ASCE has led over 50 research projects, and his major research sponsors include NSF, FHWA, US DOT, ALDOT, and UTCA. Dr. Uddin is the author/co-author of seven books, over 200 papers, served as principal or co-principal investigator on research projects whose cumulative funding exceeds $15 million, and directed about 60 Doctoral and Master's theses based on the sponsored research projects. He also mentored many postdoc fellows and junior faculty members. In recognition of his exceptional research, mentoring and teaching track record, he was honored with the President's Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2023, Graduate School Dean's Excellence in Mentorship Award in 2017, Dean’s Excellent Faculty Award 2000, J William Fulbright Scholar Award in 2007, and FEMA Project Impact Best Community Award in 2000. His current funded research projects include:
- Nondestructive Evaluation of the John Coffee Memorial Bridge Using Drones and Robotics (FHWA HRDI 20240036 PR)
- DOE GAANN Grant for Interdisciplinary Research in Materials and Structures Under Extreme Events (DOE P200A240022)
- Aerodynamic Intelligent Morphing System (A-IMS) for Autonomous Smart Utility Truck Safety and Productivity in Severe Environments (NSF-S&AS-1849264)
- Mobile Automated Rovers Fly-By (MARS-FLY) for Bridge Network Resiliency (NSF-CNS-1645863);
- High Data Density Short Range Wireless Telemetry for Next Generation IoT Applications (NSF-CSR- 1813949), and
- Fly-By Image Processing for Real Time Congestion Mitigation (USDOT STRIDE 2018-046).
His diverse network of national and international partnerships (multi-year and multi-million dollar interdisciplinary collaborative research) include Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Maryland, University of Florida, University of Pittsburg, University of California, University of Central Florida, Florida International University, Tufts University, Virginia Tech, Ireland University College Dublin, and Queen University in England. He is the editor-in-chief of the ASCE Natural Hazards Review Journal, associate editor of the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, serves in the executive committee of the ASCE Infrastructure Resilience Division (IRD), and served as the chair of the Executive Committee of the ASCE Council on Disaster Risk Management (CDRM). He is Chair of the ASCE Walter Huber Civil Engineering Research Award Committee. He is a Faculty Fulbright Scholar, a fellow of ASCE, Friday Jumuah Khateeb, and President of the Birmingham Islamic Society.
- News
Classes Taught
Undergraduate courses:
- design of steel structures
- structural analysis
- mechanics of solids
- senior design
Graduate courses:
- bridge engineering
- advanced steel structures
- wind amd seismic loads
Select Publications
A full list of publications is available in the CV above.
- 1. Shi, Zhenhua and Mohammed, Yahya M. and Uddin, Nasim and Chen, Genda, A (2024) A vehicle-bridge interaction model considering contact patch size and vehicle self-generated excitation – A theoretical study. J. Engineering Structures 298(3–5):117079.
- Li, L.; Uddin, N.; Zhao, X.; Tian, L. (2024) Non-linear Stability of the Cylindrical Reticulated Shells with initial Damage. J. Buildings 2023, 13(11), 2852.
- 3. Pedram, M., Taylor, S., Robinson, D. Uddin, N (2024). Objective characterization of reinforced concrete with progressive corrosion defects through clustering and thresholding of infrared images Measurement. J. Measurement Volume 225, 15 February 2024, 114017
- Zhao, H., Zhang, B, Tan, C., Uddin, N. (2023) “Exploring Time-Varying Characteristics in Drive-by Bridge Frequency Extraction with the Second Order Synchrosqueezing Transform”, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Volume 28, Issue 4, April 2023
- Zhang, B, Tan, C., Zhao, H., Uddin, N. (2023) “An Extended Bridge Weigh-In-Motion System Without Vehicular Axles and Speed Detectors Using Non-Negative LASSO Regularization”, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering; Volume 28, Issue 5, May 2023
- Li, L.; Uddin, N.; Zhao, X.; Tian, L. (2023) Mechanical Property Research for CSIP Thin-Wall Box-Beams. J. Buildings 2023, 13, 1822.
- Shi, Zhenhua and Mohammed, Yahya M. and Uddin, Nasim and Chen, Genda, A (2023) Theoretical Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Model Considering a Tire Contact Patch and a Vehicle Self-Generated Excitation. SSRN Electronic Journal
- Du, Wenfeng, Zhang, H., Zhou, Z, Wang, K, and Uddin, N. (2023) “Experiment and numerical simulation of innovative 3DPC thin shell structure”; Buildings 2023, 13(1), 233
- Tan, C., Zhao, H., Uddin, N., Zhang, B. (2022) “Developing Digital Twins to Characterize Bridge Behavior Using Measurements Taken under Random Traffic”, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, November 2021; Journal of Bridge Engineering 27(1):12
- Comfort, L., and Uddin, N. (2022) “A Global Pandemic: Sociotechnical Perspectives on COVID-19”, ASCE Natural Hazards Review; Volume 23 Issue 4 - November 2022
- 11. Mohammed, Y., and Uddin, N. (2022) “Identification of bridge mode shapes using accelerometer Mounted on zero Gravity Robot”, World Journal of Engineering and Technology, 23 (13), 2022.
- 12. Tan, C., Zhao, H., Uddin, N., Yan, B. (2022) “A Fast Wavelet-Based Bridge Condition Assessment Approach Using Only Moving Vehicle Measurements”, Journal: Applied Sciences, November 2022
- Pedram, M., Taylor, S., Robinson, D. Uddin, N (2022). Experimental evaluation of heat transition mechanism in concrete with subsurface defects using infrared thermography. Construction and Building Materials; Volume 360, 19 December 2022, 129531
- Pedram, M., Taylor, S., Robinson, D. Uddin, N (2022). Experimental investigation of subsurface defect detection in concretes by infrared thermography and convection heat exchange. J Civil Struct Health Monit (2022) 12, pages1355–1373 (2022).
- Shi, Z. and Uddin, N. (2021) “Extracting multiple bridge frequencies from test vehicle - a theoretical study”; Journal of Sound and Vibration, (accepted for publication); Article number 115735, reference: YJSVI_115735; S0022-460X(20)30565-4
- Shi, Z. and Uddin, N. (2021) “Theoretical vehicle bridge interaction model for bridges with non-simply supported boundary conditions”, Journal of Engineering Structures, Volume 232, 2021, 111839, ISSN 0141-0296.
- Mohammed, Y., and Uddin, N. (2022) “Fly-by Bridge Inspection using UAVs (standalone portable system)”, February 2021; DOI:10.1201/9780429343292-93; Life-Cycle Civil Engineering: Innovation, Theory and Practice (pp.710-716).
- Tan, C., and Uddin, N. (2022) ““Drive-by” bridge frequency identification utilizing short data”, February 2021; DOI:10.1201/9780429343292-92; Life-Cycle Civil Engineering: Innovation, Theory and Practice (pp.704-709)
- Amgad Elbehirya, Omar Elnawawya, Magdy Kassemb, Amr Zahera, Nasim Uddin, Marwan Mostafa (2020) “Performance of concrete beams reinforced using banana fiber bars” Journal Case Studies in Construction Materials, Volume 13, December 2020
- Zhao, H.; Tan, C.; OBrien, E.J.; Uddin, N.; Zhang, B. Wavelet-Based Optimum Identification of Vehicle Axles Using Bridge Measurements. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7485.