Explore UAB

Your Roadmap to Faculty Onboarding at UAB

Step 1:
Onboard Begins Here

UAB Faculty Onboard welcomes you!

Receive log-in credentials

Access your personalized Faculty Onboard portal

Step 2:
Before Your First Day

Complete "Getting Started" and "Welcome to UAB" tasks and activities. Create your BlazerID and campus email.

Tools to Navigate Onboard

Engage with UAB's dynamic research enterprise

Get First-Day-Ready

Explore Employee Benefits

Step 3:
First Day and Week

Department Introductions

New Faculty/Employee Orientation (if required)

HR & Payroll Documents

Step 4:
Your First 30 Days

Get Connected to Training in UAB Learning System (LMS)

Explore Priority Faculty and Campus Resources

Introduction to UAB Campus Culture

Sign-up for Employee Benefits

Step 5:
Your First 60-90 Days

Get acquainted with UAB campus and countless community resources

Campus maps and events all live on the UAB Faculty website: uab.edu/faculty

Review UAB Faculty Handbook, Policies and Procedures

Step 6:
90 Days and Forward

Welcome aboard UAB! The journey has just begun

Faculty resources and information remain available in Faculty Onboard

Your department works to ensure your success through mentoring and faculty development

Attend Campus Social Events and Activities