Explore UAB

Searches, Recruitment, & Hiring

Faculty Hiring and Faculty Affairs FAQ

Here are 10 of the Most Frequently Asked Questions for Faculty HR Administrators - Department Administrators who manage the faculty hiring, recruitment, and appointment process as well as faculty personnel matters, such as leaves, onboarding, promotion and tenure, rehiring retirees and creating emeritus faculty appointments.

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UAB PeopleAdmin Users Toolkit

This is your go-to-resource for navigating UAB PeopleAdmin, the university's faculty recruitment system. This toolkit was developed specifically for Personnel Generalists and Administrative Associates who manage and facilitate the faculty recruitment and hiring processes for their academic units. It also includes resources for approvers of UAB PeopleAdmin actions at the department and Deans Office-levels, including Equity Advisors.

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Faculty Affairs Toolkit

New to faculty recruitment, hiring, and other faculty personnel functions? Or you just want to refresh your knowledge? The Faculty Affairs Toolkit includes links to resources you can use to facilitate and manage the various faculty HR or personnel actions for your unit(s).

Information about the faculty hiring process, new faculty onboarding, the Faculty Data Form (FDF), faculty offer and appointment letter templates, faculty background checks, emeritus faculty, and faculty leaves is all located in this toolkit.

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Faculty Search Committee Tools

The search committee oversees the recruitment and hiring process to ensure a fair and complete search and to select the most qualified candidate. Taking time to organize and define the search process, in alignment with unit goals, helps a search committee recruit the best, most qualified faculty and present UAB as an attractive, welcoming community. User guides and other faculty search committee resources are provided here.

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