Instructions to access some websites listed below:
- UAB IT housed the websites on the new SharePoint platform. The link to the website goes through a Microsoft Office platform/login.
- You must log-in to Microsoft using your email address as your account (not UABMC nor other/personal) and then, use your BlazerID and password, when prompted.
- Note: If you have a personal or a UABMC Microsoft account, your computer may auto-log you in using it; You must log in to the Microsoft platform using your email address** only or you will NOT be able to see the website (it will say you do not have access). If it appears that your computer auto-logged you into the Microsoft Office platform, then sign-out of the Microsoft Office platform, then sign back in using your email address** when asked for your Microsoft Office account.
- ** If you are SOM and usually use a uabmc email account, you CANNOT use/type that as your “account”- it has to be Use/type your email address - if you do not use or have a email address, then type [Your BlazerID] (example: and that should lead you to a BlazerID login screen, where you enter your Blazer ID and password.
- If you still need assistance in accessing the website after following the instructions above, please contact Ask IT at 996-5555, informing them of all of the information above.
Faculty Senate Nominations
Faculty Senate 2025 nomination period: February 13 - March 6
IMPORTANT: When logging in, you will be taken to a Mirosoft login in page. You will have to use email address as your "account" (@uabmc DOES NOT WORK). See full instructions above.
The deadline for accepting or declining nominations are five business days after the nomination poll closes.
To learn more information about the Faculty Senate nominations, please visit Faculty Senate Elections Information. The nominations app in the SharePoint page will go live on February 13th.
School/College |
Number of seats to fill (half are Senator seats and half are Alternate-Senator seats) |
Business |
2 |
College of Arts & Sciences |
8 |
Dentistry |
2 |
Education |
2 |
Engineering |
Health Professions |
2 |
Joint Health Sciences |
2 |
The Libraries |
2 |
Medicine |
4 |
Nursing |
2 |
Optometry |
2 |
Public Health |
4 |
Faculty Senate Voting
The voting period for 2025 will be announced soon.
Faculty Development Grant Program
Information and applications for the FDGP are available on the FDGP website.
View interviews with past FDGP recipients.
IMPORTANT: When logging in, you will be taken to a Microsoft login page: You will have to use email address as your “account” (@uabmc DOES NOT WORK). The faculty member applying for the grant must be the person logging into the FDGP website. Once through the Microsoft login, at the Blazer ID log in, please enter your Blazer ID and password. (Some people may end up bypassing the Microsoft login and arrive directly at the Blazer ID login.) Only persons with a faculty appointment at UAB are able to access this website.
Faculty Senate Calendar
Follow this link for meetings and event information (must read login information above before clicking).
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC) and the Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC)
- Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC):
For a list of proposals related to undergraduate programs, under review by the committee, and for the meeting dates, agendas and minutes of the meetings of the UCC, follow this link (must read login information above before clicking). - Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC):
For a list of proposals related to graduate programs, under review by the committee, and for the meeting dates, agendas and minutes of the meetings of the GCC, follow this link (must read login information above before clicking).
Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Other Documents
For agendas and minutes of Faculty Senate meetings, follow this link (must read login information above before clicking). Note: For the committees, follow the link and then select the committee in the navigational menu, to access committee agendas and minutes.