Explore UAB


Based on faculty feedback, UAB has improved the Early Alert System. The system becomes available on the first day of classes and remains available until the final day of classes.

Early alerts allow instructors to notify students about academic performance, attendance, and other related issues in courses. Academic advisors may also view these alerts. Early alerts are a core component of the undergraduate retention and graduate strategy.

To access the Early Alert System and send notifications to your students, follow the below link or look for the "Early Alert System" link on the "Faculty" tab in BlazerNET.

You will find your class roster(s) and the functionality to mark the students to whom you would like to send an alert. Follow the below links to access training resources.

Early Alert

Faculty may submit alerts at any time during the semester, but will be reminded to submit alerts at critical points in the semester as part of the Early Alert program:

Early Alert Deadline Spring 2021 Date
1. Prior to the drop/add deadline Thursday, January 21
2. One month after classes begin Monday, February 15
3. One week prior to the withdrawal deadline Thursday, April 15
4. Three weeks priorto the last day of classes Thursday, April 1


Improved features include the following:

  • Ability to send multiple alerts to a single student within a semester.
  • Ability to select multiple alert reasons and/or recommendations for a specific student.
  • Ability to enter the current grade a student is earning.
  • Ability to view general information about a student (e.g., photo, course schedule, etc.) when placing an alert.
  • Efficient way to place alerts for multiple students simultaneously (particularly helpful for sections with large enrollments).
  • No restriction on the courses eligible to use this functionality.
  • Ability to indicate that a student has improved in a course since an alert was placed.
  • Ability for advisors to provide feedback to faculty when a student meets with an advisor about an alert.
  • Easy-to-use search functionality to view the history of alerts for a specific faculty member.

If you have questions or feedback, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..