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Environmental head shot of Dr. Kevin Harrod, PhD (Benjamin Monroe Carraway Endowed Chair and Professor, Anesthesiology; Director, Resident Research) in his office, 2019.Colleagues,

I am delighted to announce that Kevin S. Harrod, Ph.D., will serve as the next Vice Chair of Research in the UAB Heersink School of Medicine Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine

Dr. Harrod received his Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Kentucky, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship in pulmonary biology at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Prior to coming to UAB, he served as the director of the Infectious Diseases Program at the Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico, before being named the Benjamin Monroe Carraway, M.D., Endowed Chair and professor in our department in 2014. He is an internationally recognized expert in pulmonary infections, respiratory viruses, and host-pathogen interactions; having received a number of prestigious awards, such as the Parker B. Francis Fellowship from the Francis Family Foundation and a Career Investigator Award from the American Lung Association. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Harrod played a crucial leading role in research efforts in the Southeastern Biosafety Lab at UAB. As a world expert on SARS-CoV-2, he led multiple studies on the virus, including investigations into its transmission and potential treatments. His team also developed innovative methods for studying the virus, and he collaborated with other UAB researchers to establish a biorepository to collect and store COVID-19 samples for future research. Dr. Harrod's contributions to the COVID-19 research efforts have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of the virus and developing effective strategies for combating the pandemic. Indeed, he was lauded for his leadership and collaboration. 

As we welcome Dr. Harrod, we recognize with great gratitude the transformational impact that Sadis Matalon, Ph.D., has had on our research enterprise in the department. Dr. Matalon built our research portfolio through outstanding mentorship and strategic recruitment. His relentless pursuit of excellence has propelled our research program to the top 15 in the country. Dr. Matalon will remain in the department as a distinguished endowed professor and mentor, conducting his NIH-funded research.

Please join me in congratulating Dr. Harrod on his new role. He is committed to the ongoing integration of our clinical, basic, and translational research, as well as faculty mentorship and development. I am confident that he will lead us into a new era of exciting, diverse research within our department. 

Dan E. Berkowitz, M.D.
Alfred Habeeb Professor and Chair