Civitan International Research Center

Our Research
Home to leading experts and distinguished scholars
More than 150 Civitan scientists and staff are dedicated to basic and translational research. Our Civitan scientists represent 19 departments and 5 schools on the UAB campus, at the Civitan-Sparks Clinics, Children's Hospital, and other clinical settings at UAB.

Our Programs
Preparing the next generation of researchers and clinicians
Students and clinical trainees work side-by-side with Civitan scientists and clinicians to develop the most current research and treatment techniques and effective intervention strategies.

About Us
Increasing opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities
Established in 1989 with the support of Civitan International, our center's activities are guided by a strong commitment to values that recognize all people first as individuals.
Latest Center News
Feed not found.Every gift helps us make a difference
Your gift improves the well-being and the quality of life of individuals and families affected by intellectual and developmental disabilities.