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We respect the wishes of members of our community, and those who do not wish to be enrolled in the TAP trials. If you do not want to participate, you can request to opt out. We offer a silicone bracelet with the words “Opt Out of TAP Research Trial” engraved on it. You will have to wear this bracelet during the time these studies are being conducted.

Even if you opt out, there is no guarantee that under emergency circumstances the bracelet will be attached to you while you are being cared for in our Emergency Department. You might still be enrolled in the study. In the unlikely event that you are enrolled after you have requested not to be enrolled, we will not use any of the information collected, and all information pertaining to the enrollment will be destroyed.

Opt Out of Trauma Research

If you know (or think) that you are allergic to Prothrombin Complex Concentrate, or its components, please let us know, by requesting an opt-out bracelet.

There are two ways to obtain your Opt Out of Trauma Research bracelet:

  1. Contact the UAB Center for Injury Science office at (205) 934-5890 or via email at cis@uabmc.edu.
  2. Stop by the CIS research office and pick up an Opt Out of Trauma Research bracelet. Our office is located in Room 330 Administration Building on the UAB campus: