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The goal of the CNC Neuromodulation Pillar is to form collaborative relationships between human and animal researchers across campus and abroad. The UAB Human Neuromodulation Laboratory was formed out of the collaborative Brain Initiative grant awarded to Dr. Harrison Walker to explore “Noninvasive Biomarkers to Advance Emerging DBS Electrode Technologies in Parkinson's Disease,” and has grown to include Drs. Bentley and Guthrie (Neurosurgery). We study neurophysiology in human subjects undergoing surgery for Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy, using sophisticated methods of signal analysis to investigate brain circuits controlling movement, cognition, decision-making, and sensory systems. 

We seek cross-disciplinary collaboration to gain a better understanding of brain function by incorporating animal models, advanced imaging techniques, and other non-invasive modalities (e.g., transcranial magnetic stimulation).



Harrison C. Walker, M.D.

Harrison C. Walker, M.D.

Faculty Profile

Nicole Bentley, M.D.

Nicole Bentley, M.D.

Faculty Profile