Explore UAB

Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism

We continue to foster excellence, innovation, discovery, and understanding in education, research, and patient care. It's a vast goal, but one made possible through the donations of many alumni, friends, grateful patients, and community partners. Your generosity enables us to educate tomorrow's physicians, conduct cutting-edge research, and improve the health outcomes of our communities. Several unique opportunities are available, including:

Outright Gifts

An outright gift puts your contribution to work immediately—funding existing programs or creating a reliable source of future income as part of the university's endowment.

Planned Gifts

Planned gifts, including bequests, life-income plans, and other options for your estate can accomplish your personal and philanthropic goals and leave a lasting impression at UAB.

Matching Gifts

You may be able to double or even triple your donation to UAB if your company has a gift program that matches all or a percentage of employee contributions to charitable organizations.


Endowment gifts provide long-term security by expanding the university's permanent financial base and creating a predictable source of future income for needs such as endowed faculty positions, student scholarships or fellowships, broad-based interdisciplinary research projects or entire academic programs.


A tribute gift is a thoughtful way to honor or memorialize a loved one while making difference in the world. Your memorial gift can establish an endowment, renew a scholarship or help fund other projects.

Annual Gifts

Annual gifts direct gifts into operating budgets to support faculty research, operating budgets, and the school’s greatest needs. These gifts provide immediate support to students, faculty, and programs. Whether it’s supplementing a student who needs financial aid, supporting a faculty member with research funding, or supporting outreach initiatives, these gifts are applied where they are needed most.

Give Now

The reason to give is simple: to make change happen. Every gift fuels UAB as it takes steps to change the world.
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