The Immunology Institute contributes to immunology-related educational programs at undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral levels.
Undergraduate Immunology Program
The UAB Undergraduate Immunology Program (UIP) awards America’s only B.S. degree in Immunology. UIP is an interdisciplinary program spearheaded by the Department of Microbiology in the Heersink School of Medicine and the Department of Biology in the College of Arts and Sciences. UIP provides an immunology-focused curriculum while supporting a broad-based education in the fundamental aspects of biology, microbiology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. UIP students, who participate in research projects within many of the UAB immunology labs, are ideally prepared to work in academic and industry laboratories and to enter professional and graduate school programs.
Graduate Biomedical Studies Doctoral Program (Immunology Theme)
Immunology is one of eight interdisciplinary PhD themes within the UAB Graduate Biomedical Sciences (GBS) program. Immunology graduate students join research labs across the campus and can focus in specialty areas such as autoimmunity, cancer immunology, infectious disease and host defense, allergy, transplantation, inflammation and immunogenetics. Importantly, the GBS program allows graduate students to select courses and mentors based on their individual interests and long-term career goals.
HSOM AMC21 Awards Program
The HSOM AMC21 Awards Program is designed to recruit outstanding graduate student applicants to the UAB GBS program. The program provides discretionary funding for the awardees to attend national meetings, to travel to other labs to learn new techniques and to purchase computers and software to support their research. In addition, the awardees have the opportunity to participate in annual research symposia and to meet with symposia keynote lecturers from across the world.