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Alabama-Granada Clinic is part of the foundation Friends of Rudy (FOR) Nicaraguan Health, Inc. The clinic, founded in February 2004, serves as an outpatient medical care provider to the less fortunate adults and children from the area of Granada and also from the surrounding cities including Managua. All types of medical problems are treated: including diabetes, high blood pressure, upper respiratory infections, asthma, gastrointestinal, arthritic, and other chronic conditions of middle age and elderly population. Children with upper respiratory and gastrointestinal infections are also very common. The majority of the patients with chronic medical problems are seen on follow up once a month at which time they receive their new allotment of medicines. Every patient has a computerized medical record. There is a computerized pharmacy supplied with a variety of medicines that are given to the patients at the end of their visits. Many of the medicines are obtained and bought in the local market, others are donated by American Nicaraguan Foundation and others sent from the United States, such as analog insulin.

Past Participants

Taylor Holmes - Class of 2020

Taylor Holmes - Class of 2020

“My four weeks at Clínica Alabama-Granada were more than just an international rotation. They reinforced the concepts we have been learning.”

Read student reflection