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Louis Justement, Ph.D. Louis Justement, Ph.D., professor in UAB’s Department of Microbiology, has recently assumed the role of President of the Society for Leukocyte Biology (SLB) as of Jan. 1, 2024.

Founded in 1954, the SLB is a global community of researchers and clinicians who study the critical role of leukocytes (white blood cells) in the immune response.

Fond of the Society’s emphasis on member support across all experience levels, Justement shared that the SLB was the first professional, scientific society he joined as a graduate student in the laboratory of Bruce S. Zwilling, his mentor, and former SLB President.

“Over the years, I have greatly enjoyed being a member of SLB, getting to know many fellow scientists and trainees, who became friends, colleagues, and collaborators,” Justement said.

Justement has previously served the SLB in many capacities, including Chair of the Nominating Committee, member of the Professional Development Committee, Chair of the Publication Committee, member of the SLB Council, editorial board member of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology (JLB), and Program Co-Chair for the SLB’s 2020 annual meeting.

“For me, creating and sustaining a welcoming environment that supports the interests and success of each individual member is the most important thing that a scientific society can do, and I can say without question that this is what makes SLB a wonderful society,” Justement said.

In his role as President, Justement said his goals include the following:

• Supporting the career and professional development of the SLB’s trainees and early-stage investigators.

• A continued commitment to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in the biomedical sciences.

• A continued emphasis on recruiting members from the international community and developing new initiatives to increase awareness of the SLB globally.

• The promotion of scientific outreach and sound science policy.

• Ensuring that the SLB continues to grow its membership, support the mission of the JLB, and promote top-notch scientific scholarship and collaboration opportunities.

The SLB provides its members with opportunities for career and professional development, volunteer leadership, and scientific scholarship. It also offers mentoring and support to foster the growth of trainees in STEM careers and supports efforts to expand immune literacy.

“I sincerely look forward to having the opportunity to serve as President of SLB because I am passionate about this society, and it is my intent to share this passion to benefit the society and the success of every member,” Justement added.

Learn more about the Society for Leukocyte Biology.