Director, Division of Clinical Pharmacology; Director, PK/PD Core
Division of Pediatric Infectious Disease
Dr. Acosta is Director of the UAB Division of Clinical Pharmacology and the Antiviral Pharmacology Laboratory, which focuses on antiviral assay development and pharmacometrics. He is Director of the Comprehensive Cancer Center PK/PD Core Laboratory, Principal Investigator of the UAB Adult and IMPAACT Pharmacology Specialty Laboratories, and pharmacologist for the NIH/NIAID contract Targeted Clinical Research to Address Select Viral Infections. Dr. Acosta's laboratory has developed LC/MS/MS assays to quantitate most of the currently available antiviral drugs in plasma and other matrices. The laboratory has the expertise to conduct noncompartmental pharmacokinetic analyses and applying complex state-of-the-art individual and population pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models to concentration-time and -response data. Our laboratory has considerable experience in designing, conducting, and analyzing data from Phase I-II trials in order to determine optimal doses, dosing schedules, and linking activity to drug exposure using complex PK/PD modeling approaches.
Pharm.D., University of Minnesota
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Minnesota
Research Interests
Dr. Acosta’s laboratory has traditionally focused on method development using mass spectrometry, quantitation of antiviral and antiretroviral drugs in various matrices from clinical specimens, and performing noncompartmental pharmacokinetic analyses and applying complex state-of-the-art individual and population pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models to concentration-time and -response data. Our primary focus has been drug development/dosing in pediatric populations. As Director of the Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Pharmacometrics Core, we have expanded our capacity to include quantitation of small molecules for cancer therapies as well as cystic fibrosis and other diseases.
Selected Publications
Kimberlin DW, Jester PM, Sánchez PJ, Ahmed A, Arav-Boger R, Michaels M, Ashouri N, Englund JA, Estrada B, Jacobs RF, Romero JR, Sood SK, Whitworth MS, Abzug MJ, Caserta MT, Fowler S, Lujan-Zilbermann J, Storch GA, DeBiasi RL, Han J-Y, Palmer A, Weiner LB, Bocchini JA, Dennehy PH, Finn A, Griffiths P, Gutierrez K, Halasa N, Homans J, Shane A, Sharland M, Simonsen K, Vanchiere JA, Woods CR, Sabo DL, Aban I, Kuo H, James SH, Prichard MN, Griffin J, Giles G, Acosta EP, Whitley RJ, for the NIAID Collaborative Antiviral Study Group (CASG). Valganciclovir for Symptomatic Congenital Cytomegalovirus Disease. New England Journal of Medicine 2015;372(10):933-943.
Wang K, D’Argenio DZ, Acosta EP, Sheth AN, Delille C, Lennox JL, Kerstner-Wood C, Ofotokun I. Integrated population pharmacokinetic/viral dynamic modeling of lopinavir/ritonavir in HIV-1 treatment naïve patients. Clinical Pharmacokinetics 2014;53:361-71. PMCID: PMC3962720.
Bennetto-Hood C, Talbot G, Savina P, Acosta EP. A sensitive HPLC–MS/MS method for the determination of dolutegravir in human plasma. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2014;945-6:225-32.
Kimberlin DW, Acosta EP, Prichard MN, Sánchez PJ, Ampofo K, Lang D, Ashouri N, Vanchiere JA, Abzug MJ, Abughali N, Caserta MT, Englund JA, Sood SK, Spigarelli M, Bradley JS, Lew J, Michaels MG, Wan W, Cloud G, Jester P, Lakeman FD, Whitley RJ, for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Collaborative Antiviral Study Group. Oseltamivir pharmacokinetics, dosing, and resistance in children from birth to two years of age with influenza (Editor’s Choice). Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2013;207:709-20. PMCID: PMC3563309.
Acosta EP, Jester P, Gal P, Wimmer J, Wade J, Whitley RJ, Kimberlin DW, for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Collaborative Antiviral Study Group. Oseltamivir dosing for influenza infection in premature neonates. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2010;202:563-6. PMCID: PMC2904429.
Clarke DF, Acosta EP, Rizk M, Bryson Y, Spector SA, Mofenson L, Teppler H, Welebob C, Persaud D, Cababasay MP, Mirochnick M, and the P1097 Team. Neonatal raltegravir pharmacokinetics following maternal dosing. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2014; 67:310-15.
Sutton AL, Acosta EP, Larson KB, Kerstner-Wood CD, Tita AT, Biggio JR. Perinatal pharmacokinetics of azithromycin for cesarean prophylaxis. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2015;212:812.e1-6.
Rizk ML, Du L, Bennetto-Hood C, Wenning L, Teppler H, Homony B, Graham B, Fry C, Nachman S, Wiznia A, Worrell C, Smith B, Acosta EP. Population pharmacokinetic analysis of raltegravir pediatric formulations in HIV-infected children 4 weeks to 18 years of age. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2015;55:748-56.
Solomon GM, Hathorne H, Liu B, Raju SV, Reeves G, Acosta EP, Dransfield MT, Rowe SM. Pilot evaluation of ivacaftor for chronic bronchitis. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2016; 6:e32-3.
Wanga V, Venuto C, Morse GD, Acosta EP, Daar ES, Haas DW, Li C, Shepherd BE. Genome-wide association study of tenofovir pharmacokinetics and creatinine clearance in AIDS clinical trials group protocol A5202. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 2015;25:450-61. PMCID: PMC4522226