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helping a patient with a fall riskUAB Medicine’s Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R) Falls Clinic was established to help patients age 60 or older who are experiencing falls or balance problems. This clinic began as an initiative designed to reduce the number patients visiting the emergency room after experiencing a fall.

The clinic’s specialists perform a physical examination and conduct a fall-focused medical history review, which helps them identify risk factors and recommend changes to improve the quality of life for patients.

There are specific patient requirements to visit the falls clinic, including:
• At least two falls over the last 12 months or significant balance problems that create a high risk of falls or limit their ability to carry out daily tasks
• No severe cognitive impairment
• Ability to participate in the assessment process and adopt changes that reduce their fall risk
• No diagnosed neurological condition that could lead to falls and balance problems, such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease
• Ability to walk at least 50 feet in a normal home environment, with or without an assistive device such as a walker, cane, or crutches
• Referral from a current provider and insurance coverage

The Falls Clinic identifies risk factors for falling, educates patients about these risks, and provides or recommendations. These services include:
• Prescriptions for mobility assistance devices such as a walker, cane, braces, etc.
• Recommendations for better management of medical conditions that may affect balance or contribute to falls, such as bowel/bladder incontinence, osteoporosis, cognition issues, and mood/psychiatric disorders
• Medication review/changes, including over-the-counter drugs and dietary supplements
• A referral for a home safety assessment, if needed, to determine whether things such as grab bars, handrails, shower benches, special toilet seats, and ramps may be helpful
• Referrals for supervised therapy/exercise programs to improve strength, gait, and balance. These programs will be provided through home health or outpatient services.
• Recommendations or referrals to other medical specialists related to vision, hearing, or foot care • Information on home monitoring systems and personal safety alarm devices
• Follow-up reviews, either in the clinic or via online telehealth
• Education and recommendations on reducing fall risk factors for others involved in the patient’s well-being, such as caregivers and other medical providers

The Falls Clinic is in the outpatient clinic on the first floor of UAB Spain Rehabilitation Center. Patients can ask their doctor for a referral to the clinic or call 205-934-4694 to learn more. .