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Local meteorologist James Spann talks about the importance of colon screenings in detecting colon cancer at last week's Colon on the Corner with Coffee event.Local meteorologist James Spann talks about the importance of colon screenings in detecting colon cancer at last week's Colon on the Corner with Coffee event.

By Marina Moody

Last Friday, UAB Employee Wellness hosted Colon on the Corner with Coffee at the corner of 20th Street South and 6th Avenue South near The Kirklin Clinic from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event featured free coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts; a giant, inflatable colon; a meet and greet with local meteorologist James Spann and the opportunity to learn more about colorectal cancer from UAB doctors such as the Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery’s Daniel Chu, M.D. With colorectal cancer being Alabama’s second-deadliest cancer, UAB Employee Wellness organized this interactive event to promote timely colon screenings for people over the age of 45.