Media contact: Yvonne Taunton
The annual Vulcan Historical Review was honored in the 2020 Gerald D. Nash History Graduate Online Journal Competition. The University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Vulcan Historical Review, a student-written and -edited history journal run by the Chi Omicron Chapter of the Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society, recently received an award in a national student journal competition.
The journal is published annually through the UAB College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of History.
The journal’s 2020 issue won third place in the 2020 Gerald D. Nash History Graduate Online Journal Competition. The issue’s focus is learning about local and international events and movements from the past to change the future for the better.
All history students, including recent alumni, as well as any currently enrolled students at UAB are encouraged to submit articles, reviews, essays, oral histories or other works of historical interest to be considered for publication. In addition to featuring historical essays, The Vulcan Historical Review showcases the visual art, photography and poetry of UAB students.
Phi Alpha Theta is a professional organization that promotes the study of history by encouraging research, teaching, publication, and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians.