Media contact: Adam Pope,
The UAB School of Nursing was specifically cited for its sustained efforts to “Enhance Student Learning and Professional Development.”
The University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing has been designated as a National League for Nursing Center of Excellence, which recognizes schools that have demonstrated a commitment to excellence and invested resources over a sustained period of time to distinguish themselves in a specific area related to nursing education.
The school was specifically cited for its sustained efforts to “Enhance Student Learning and Professional Development.” The designation is for a four-year term, through 2021, and is renewable every four years thereafter.
“This designation is an external confirmation of the UAB School of Nursing’s commitment to preparing future nursing leaders, and aligns with our strategic goals of maintaining excellence in teaching and learning, and provides acknowledgment of faculty efforts in continual quality improvement,” said Doreen C. Harper, Ph.D., dean of the UAB School of Nursing and Fay B. Ireland Endowed Chair in Nursing.
“I am especially pleased we were specifically recognized for our focus on innovative and flexible academic programs, promotion of student engagement through creative teaching strategies, and student and faculty involvement in the community,” she said. “One of our school’s greatest achievements is producing professional and advanced practice nurses who care for patients with increasing rates of chronic diseases, especially those in rural and underserved areas. This award validates the continued hard work of our dedicated faculty and staff in this effort, and I applaud them.”
The school will be formally recognized at the NLN’s 2017 Education Summit, held in San Diego, California, on Saturday, Sept. 16, which brings together more than 1,500 nurse faculty, deans, administrators and professionals from allied health organizations to share expertise and insight on topics that affect nursing education and practice and quality health care and reflect the League’s core values.
“As a school of nursing, we have a commitment to excellence in teaching, scholarship and service,” said Rhonda McLain, Ph.D., assistant dean for Evaluation, who headed the task force for NLN Center of Excellence designation. “We chose to seek designation as a validation for this excellence for faculty and staff, our students, clinical and community partners, and our broader community. This designation is a source of pride for our students and faculty, and the task force that put together the application was honored to tell our story of excellence and innovation in teaching.”
NLN Centers of Excellence are expected to exemplify the league’s core values: caring, integrity, diversity and excellence. This recognition distinguishes organizations that demonstrate sustained, evidence-based and substantive innovation in the selected area; conduct ongoing research to document the effectiveness of such innovation; set high standards for themselves; and are committed to continuous quality improvement.
“The Center of Excellence in Nursing Education designation is additional confirmation of the excellence of our faculty,” said Linda Moneyham, Ph.D., senior associate dean for Academic Affairs, who is currently serving a two-year term as a governor at-large on the NLN Board of Governors. “Excellence is a core value of the School of Nursing culture. We have great academic program outcomes because of the high standards and commitment of our faculty to excellence.”
The UAB School of Nursing is ranked 13th in overall graduate programs, among the top five public schools of nursing in the country by U.S. News & World Report, and offers innovative bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs, including the state’s only Ph.D. in Nursing degree and a DNP degree offering BSN, MSN and Nurse Anesthesia Pathways; more than 10 specialty nurse practitioner tracks, advanced nursing executive majors in administration and informatics, and an Accelerated Master’s in Nursing Pathway for students who already have one degree.