S. Robert Hernandez, Dr.P.H., professor and director of the Administration-Health Services Doctoral program in the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Health Professions, has been elected to the European Academy of Management Board as the United States representative for the next three years. The vote was held during the EURAM General Assembly in Rotterdam, Netherlands on June 6-8, 2012. Hernandez, the only American representative, is one of 31 board members.
EURAM is a professional community comprising more than 1,000 engaged management scholars and reflective practitioners from Europe and North America. The group aims to enhance the quality of research, improve its relevance for responsible and effective practice and contribute to the social and political discourse on management.
“Increased collaboration between European and U. S. healthcare management researchers will help both communities address important problems in the organization, financing and delivery of healthcare,” said Hernandez. “All countries face common problems in trying to improve the health status of its populations with a finite array of resources. Sharing research findings on best management practices and improved methods for organizing healthcare will benefit people on both sides of the Atlantic.”
EURAM — a professional community comprising more than 1,000 engaged management scholars and reflective practitioners from Europe and North America — aims to enhance the quality of research, improve its relevance for responsible and effective practice and contribute to the social and political discourse on management. |
Hernandez is also a board member of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration. He has served as chair of the Healthcare Management Division of the Academy of Management and as chair of the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education.
Hernandez has published in numerous academic and professional journals and has made many presentations to academic and practitioner groups on healthcare management strategy. He is currently co-editor of the Journal of Health Administration Education and has served on the editorial boards of Health Care Management Review, Journal of Healthcare Management, Medical Care Review, Health Services Management Research and Alabama Journal of Medical Sciences. He has worked on global health issues in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Ukraine.