Displaying items by tag: department of neurology

Standaert directs the Morris K. Udall Center of Excellence in Parkinson’s Disease Research, one of eight such centers funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

Adam Gerstenecker has been honored by two organizations with early career awards in neuropsychology.

UAB is named one of 44 centers of excellence worldwide for Guillain-Barré Syndrome.

Genome sequencing leads to new understanding of genetic risk factors that might play a role in the risk of dementia.
UAB Parkinson’s disease expert David Standaert and an Italian colleague have received the fifth annual Bachmann-Strauss Prize for Excellence in Dystonia Research.
A UAB researcher’s promising data shows improvement of Duchenne muscular dystrophy symptoms in mice and zebrafish using an experimental drug.
The nation faces a dire need for movement disorder specialists as the incidence of diseases such as Parkinson’s continues to increase.
UAB researchers have found a previously unknown gene variant that appears to contribute to movement disorders.
UAB has enrolled more than 40 participants in its Alabama Udall Center clinical research core.
A specialized clinic in a tertiary hospital is effective at treating patients from five states.
Researchers at UAB are looking at the health of brain structures called dendritic spines in the battle against Alzheimer’s disease.
Scientists at UAB have homed in on a protein structure in the brain that may be a promising target for new therapies to treat Parkinson’s disease.
Deep brain stimulation has long been used to treat Parkinson’s disease, and was approved for use in epilepsy late in 2018.
Kazamel’s duties will include planning more than 45 workshops on topics ranging from electromyography to neuromuscular ultrasound.
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