Displaying items by tag: department of surgery

Greg Kennedy wants to raise the profile of GI surgery division, which he says “is one of the most talented divisions as a group in the United States.”
UAB hosted over 200 surgeons and hospital administrators in a seminar about the growth and future of robotic surgery
Surgeons from around the world gather at UAB to learn more about robotic assisted surgery.
Physicians embarked on a rare operation in an effort to save the lives of one Georgian, one Alabamian.
Top physician-scientist tapped to succeed Kirby Bland as chair of the UAB Department of Surgery.
Increased risk of major adverse cardiac events after the later surgery persists for one year.
Kidney recipients infected only with HIV do as well as uninfected recipients, but HIV-infected recipients co-infected with hepatitis C virus have poorer outcomes.
A little more than a year since he suffered major injuries in the January 2014 snowstorm, Kelly Garner and his UAB orthopedics team were showing the world just how far he has come.
Award given annually to top young professionals in Birmingham based on their contribution to their company, impact on the business world and role in their community.
Immune system cells and a drug used for treating rheumatoid arthritis will be studied in an effort to reduce inflammation in kidney transplants and improve long-term function.
A robotics and cardiac cath procedure was carried out over three days and meant patient did not have to undergo more rigorous bypass surgery.
The challenge is to address academic, regulatory and financial issues affecting the education of vascular surgeons.
Chief of trauma surgery at UAB honored for commitment to safety and quality.
Landmark research for the surgical management of apical vaginal prolapse reveals comparable efficacy of sacrospinous ligament fixation and uterosacral ligament suspension, and that perioperative treatment is not indicated.
Moellinger was presented Nursing Scientist Award before an international group of more than 1,000 medical experts.
Physicians and staff spent three days and nights in-hospital during the South’s recent winter storm to ensure success of a kidney transplant chain that stands at 13 and counting.
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