Displaying items by tag: department of surgery

Weakened immune systems due to diseases like cancer cause increased risk of severe complications from the flu virus — experts advise vaccine shot, not mist.

PNP Therapeutics, UAB and Southern Research Institute work abolishes otherwise unmanageable human cancers in preclinical rodent studies.

The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees approved several faculty appointments and the establishment of an endowed lecture during its recent meeting. 

His work in IgA nephropathy and kidney transplantation has resulted in more than 200 publications.

A Department of Neurosurgery, effective Oct. 1, 2013, will increase the profile of an internationally renowned program.

New UAB School of Medicine position will strengthen UAB’s commitment to training a healthcare workforce reflective of Alabama’s needs.
With the NCAA basketball finals underway a voice can easily go hoarse from the yelling and hoopla; here’s how to prevent or care for it.
Deal served as UAB senior vice president of Medicine and dean of the School of Medicine from October 1997 until October 2004.

The center will be defined by interdisciplinary collaboration among UAB scientists, clinicians and educators with a goal of improving patient outcomes.

Assimos is the inaugural holder of the Anton J. Bueschen, M.D., Endowed Chair in Urologic Surgery and Research

An eye care census in Alabama highlights the need for more eye care providers in rural areas and more minority providers.

Alabama man has minimally invasive, robot-assisted heart bypass and a week later is able to drive his new motorhome to Talladega infield.

Rosenthal will hold a chair and become division director of otolaryngology.

UAB received a prestigious NCI award to study brain tumors, making it one of only a few institutions to hold four SPORE programs.

Effort and expense of implementing federally mandated measures to reduce surgical-site infections needs to be re-evaluated, study suggests.
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