Displaying items by tag: division of neonatology

Wellness and healing for RNICU moms comes in many forms, including sewing Halloween costumes for their infants through UAB’s Institute for Arts in Medicine program.
The Golden Week program developed by UAB’s Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit was recently recognized nationally for its standardized set of practices for premature infants, providing them with quality care in their first week of life.
A biomarker, endothelial mitochondrial function, may be useful for early identification of newborn babies at risk for lung disease and could enable novel therapy approaches.
Contrary to advertisements, bumper pads and stuffed animals are not part of a safe sleep environment for infants.
UAB researchers hope to establish Cialis as a therapeutic agent for pregnant women exposed to chlorine and bromine during industrial accidents or acts of terrorism.
UAB researchers have discovered that an infant’s airway — once thought to be sterile until after birth — is colonized by bacteria or bacterial DNA, which could be protective for or predict development of severe lung disease, knowledge that may offer a therapeutic target.
Developmentally appropriate activities conducted by parents with their child during the first three years after birth reduce childhood cognitive delays in low-resource families.
Between-hospital variations in active treatment explain much of the difference seen in infants born at 22 to 24 weeks of gestation.

This public health initiative aims to ensure area babies have an opportunity to receive vital ‘first-food nutrients’ essential to early development.

Prematurity, low birth weight leading cause for the leveling off of infant mortality and neonatal mortality rates in the United States
Advances led by UAB and Children’s of Alabama neonatologist Wally Carlo have helped millions of infants worldwide
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