Displaying items by tag: division of preventive medicine

Santa just happens to have a lot of risk factors for diabetes, and UAB has some suggestions to keep him coming to town for a long time.
Ballroom-dance intervention seeks to improve health, relationships for women with reproductive cancers and their partners – participants receive free dance lessons.
How early obesity develops and how long someone is obese significantly impacts the development of coronary artery calcification.

Long-term study shows weight loss improves quality of life but does not decrease cardiovascular complications in Type 2 diabetics.

It’s three months into 2013, and summer is just around the corner. UAB experts offer tips on getting back on track with health behavior changes promised earlier this year.

UAB, City of Birmingham sign an MOU, partner to create smart, sustainable, healthier city.

Given the opportunity to earn incentives, employees will use the stairs more often, and thus improve their health, according to UAB study.

Intensive lifestyle interventions can put Type 2 diabetes into remission, eliminate need for medication, according to a new study.

Black men and women have twice the risk of fatal coronary heart disease as whites, but the disparity could be eliminated with better risk factor control.

Halanych succeeds W.J. Many, M.D., who recently was named dean of the new Montgomery branch campus of the UAB School of Medicine.

Add an increased risk of stroke to the list of health problems caused by sleeping fewer than six hours a night.

Data could lead to better advice for primary-care doctors struggling with a rising tide of older adult patients still in throes of youthful bad habits.
Large national study shows difference between lung function of cigarette and marijuana smokers; doctors warn against other known complications.

A large national trial showed the over-the-counter herbal product did not work better than placebo.

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