Displaying items by tag: neuroscience

Only 22 early-career researchers were selected as Pew Scholars this year, and Thyme is one of five whose research focus is the brain.

The Center of Excellence designation provides funding and linked research opportunities for the member clinics.
Physicians treating heart disease with anti-coagulants should factor the presence of kidney disease into their decisions on medications.
The Gwen Claussen, M.D., ALS Research Fund was created to provide research opportunities for undergraduate students in the neurosciences.
G207, an immunotherapy derived from a modified herpes virus is well tolerated in children with gliomas, and shows signs of clinical effectiveness
Tyler Huang graduates from UAB with a Bachelor of Science degree in neuroscience and a Master of Science degree in multidisciplinary biomedical sciences with a concentration in neuroscience. He is part of one of the first cohorts finishing an Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s.
UAB’s Brain Awareness Week will take place virtually March 22-26 and feature interactive scientific lectures for younger and older viewers.
The study points to an adhesive cell surface protein that might be a key element in tackling the resistance to radiation therapy commonly seen in glioblastoma tumors.
UAB researchers Jerzy Szaflarski, M.D., Ph.D., and Ayushe Sharma, Ph.D., won for their study of whether taking cannabidiol oil for seizures affects structures in the brain.
The study highlights the common host genetic factors that influence the composition of the human gut microbiome, a major factor in human health.
LITT surgery, using heat generated by a laser, offers less side effects and a shorter hospital stay compared to traditional epilepsy surgery.
This finding and further studies could help treat strabismus, a condition in which the eyes do not properly align with each other while looking at an object.
Tuscher is one of what the foundation calls “150 of the world’s most promising young scientists” doing groundbreaking neurobiological research.
This avenue of basic research will aid understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders in humans.
Physicians say it is crucial for trainees to have role models and mentors who have shared experiences.
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