Displaying items by tag: school of optometry
An optometrist receives a grant to study a disorder that causes blinding and currently has no treatment or preventive measures.
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School of Optometry professor receives a grant to develop methods of slowing the progression of myopia, also known as nearsightedness.
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UAB’s student body is approaching 22,000 students, with growth reported in honors, out-of-state and dual-enrollment programs — all while retention numbers continue to climb.
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One School of Optometry professor helped restore a patient’s vision and day-to-day life with sophisticated contact lenses.
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UAB Graduate School students will explain new research discoveries to the community during a free monthly speaker series at Ghost Train Brewery.
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Television, digital, print and other advertisements will showcase UAB’s unique passion for spurring innovation and spearheading change.
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The Aug. 22 workshop will further explain what the grand challenge is and foster team formation for the development of grand proposals.
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Lewis will provide the Institutional Effectiveness and Academic Planning team direction and context critical for developing the support needed to implement UAB’s strategic plan.
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Optometric students and faculty visited Central America for their 40th consecutive mission trip this May.
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A recent UAB School of Optometry graduate has received the highest student honor by the American Optometric Student Association.
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UAB experts help women navigate different tests and body changes they will experience during their 20s, 30s and 40s — timely with Women’s Health Week.
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The annual InfantSEE® Day pediatric eye examinations are designed to ensure eye and vision care becomes an essential part of infant wellness.
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A free reception Thursday, March 8, will celebrate the "Say It in 6" competition winners and submissions at UAB's AEIVA.
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- release
- center for community outreach development
- department of cell developmental and integrative biology
- school of medicine
- school of public health
- school of health professions
- college of arts and sciences
- school of engineering
- school of dentistry
- school of optometry
- school of nursing
- department of psychiatry and behavioral neurobiology
- department of neurobiology
- neuroscience