UAB Collat School of Business MBA part-time program ranked best in Alabama

UAB earned the highest ranking in this category of any business school in the state of Alabama.

school_of_business_sU.S. News & World Report ranks the University of Alabama at Birmingham Collat School of Business No. 73 for part-time MBA program – that is the highest ranking in this category of any business school in the state of Alabama. The latest rankings were released in the 2013 edition of “America’s Best Graduate Schools” and UAB’s ranking is part of the “Best Business Schools” category.

According to rankings released March 12, voted on in 2012, the UAB School of Business climbs 15 spots from a previous ranking of No. 87. U.S. News & World Report recognizes that many MBA students take courses in the evenings and on weekends and the rankings are based on how well schools work with students in balancing work, life and classes.

Each year, U.S. News & World Report ranks professional-school programs in business, education, engineering, law and medicine. The rankings are based on expert opinion about program quality and statistical indicators that measure the quality of a school’s faculty, research and students. For the rankings, indicator and opinion data come from surveys of more than 1,200 programs and some 9,600 academics and professionals.