Displaying items by tag: PhD

Lowe also is an Advanced Nursing Coordinator at UAB Hospital

UAB School of Nursing graduate student Bryan Wilbanks has been selected to receive the CertifiedBackground.com and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing scholarship based on merit and demonstrated leadership skills.

Suzie Miltner, an assistant professor in the UAB School of Nursing is passionate about veteran’s health care, and she has a personal understanding of what veterans need. She came to UAB to do a postdoctoral fellowship as a VA National Quality Scholar (VAQS).
Natalie Wilson, DNP, ANP-BC, MPH, AAHIVE, a current PhD student in the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Nursing, has received $100,000 from the Veteran's Administration to fund a two-year Nursing Research Initiative pilot study on the role of inflammation in symptoms commonly reported by HIV patients entitled "Gastrointestinal  Symptoms and Microbial Translocation in HIV+ Veterans."
Published his first peer reviewed paper in 1993
Heaton earned her master's at University of Louisville
Patrician is a recognized expert in quality and safety
Four programs recieve HRSA grants to fund graduate student studies that will help put hundreds of advanced practice nurses and nursing faculty into the Alabama workforce over the next four years

Marie Bakitas is an internationally recognized expert in palliative care

Swan, Coleman pursuing doctoral education
Foundation support will help PhD, DNP and MSN students transform cancer care
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