August 15, 2022

Are you currently pregnant and planning to breast feed?

If you are currently pregnant, 18 or older, planning to deliver at UAB, and planning to breast feed, you may be eligible for our study. This study focuses on better understanding CMV, a common virus most people in the US are infected with by adulthood, its transmission through breast milk from mother to baby, and how the body protects itself from the virus. Participants will meet with study staff once a month for six months to collect non-invasive samples and answer a questionnaire. Samples collected include oral swabs from you and your baby, a small quantity of breast milk and a skin swab from you, and a urine and stool sample from your baby. Participants will be compensated up to $300 for completing the study visits and providing samples. Eligible participants may also qualify for additional sub-studies for additional compensation up to $800. For more information, please contact Amanda Rafferty at 205-975-3752 or email