March 8 Picture the struggle
See “The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Life in Pictures” on exhibit in the Birmingham Museum of Art, which is counted among the beneficiaries of his struggle for equality. Free. Noon- 5 p.m.
March 9 Try binge theatre
See seven shows every night during the Festival of 10-Minute Plays. Brevity is the soul of cutting-edge comedy and drama in this annual festival of original work by the Department of Theatre. Shows are 7:30 p.m. March 9-13 and 2 p.m. March 14 in the ASC. Tickets are $5.
March 10 Prepare for victory
Judy Paice, Ph.D., professor and director of the Cancer Pain Program at Northwestern University, will deliver a free, public lecture on the new battles in the war on cancer pain at 3 p.m. March 10 in UAB School of Nursing Building Room 1020.
March 11 See and be seen
The pressure inside the eye is the most important risk factor for glaucoma, a silent and often hereditary disease that can leave patients with irrecoverable vision loss if undiagnosed. Free eye-pressure screenings will be available noon-4 p.m. March 11 in the UAB Eye Care lobby. Learn more at www.uab.edu/optometry.
March 12 Compare notes
Faculty are invited to discuss with newly promoted faculty their experiences preparing for and going through the process during a roundtable at 4 p.m. March 12 in the UAB Alumni House. RSVP to Chad Steele, chadsteele@uab.edu, or Marcy Ludorf at ludorf@uab.edu.
Works created by 50 art students and selected by juror Michael Velliquette will be on display in the 39th annual Juried Student Exhibition March 13-April 3. Velliquette will lecture at 5 p.m.; a free opening reception follows. Velliquette’s work is the subject of AEIVA’s concurrent exhibition, “Michael Velliquette: Desire for Being,” March 13-May 1.
UAB to host C-USA basketball championships March 11-14.Get your all-session passes and reserved seating. Prices range from $100-$250. Men's teams will play all games in the BJCC Arena. Women will play the first round and quarterfinals in Bartow Arena, and semifinals and finals will be played in BJCC Arena.