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Just-In-Time (JIT) review is a process by which investigators are not required to submit IACUC paperwork until they know if their grant is likely to be funded. Some funding agencies still require IACUC approval at the time of grant submission, so check with your funding source if you are not sure when IACUC approval is required. If the sponsor does allow JIT review, you may delay submitting IACUC paperwork until you receive your grant score or initial request for JIT materials from the sponsor. If you receive a good score you may wish to begin filling out the IACUC forms for submission. Please be aware that there are times when the deadline for JIT materials will not allow sufficient time for normal submission and IACUC review. Please let the IACUC office know what your sponsor's deadline is so that we can work with you and your sponsor to meet their requirements and avoid grant award delays.

Key points to remember:

  • Determine if your sponsor allows JIT review.
  • Begin submitting your paperwork if you receive a good score or as soon as you receive your initial request for JIT materials.
  • Notify the IACUC office of your sponsor's deadlines.
  • The IACUC office will work with you and the sponsor to ensure all deadlines are met and your grant is awarded on schedule.