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Programs News Kevin Storr July 08, 2020

The UAB Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC) selects Glenn Rowe, Ph.D. as this year’s Named New Investigator.

Rowe, an assistant professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Disease, will work on “The Role of the Syndecan-4/Heparanase Axis in Exercise Induced Angiogenesis in White Adipose Tissue” over the next year. The proposed research is specifically interested in generating strong and compelling preliminary data to be used in subsequent grant submissions.

Created in 2001, the NORC Named New Investigator award is selected by NORC leadership from funded pilot/feasibility recipients and then receives approval from the UAB NORC External Advisory Committee. The award is especially important for an early career scientist, providing $45,000 toward salary and protecting effort dedicated toward their pilot project.

Rowe, who earned his PhD in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology from Yale University, joined the UAB faculty in November 2014, from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center–Harvard Medical School.

He has a K01 Career Development award through the NIH-NIAMS and is a 2016 recipient of the UAB Pittman Scholar Award, which is given to UAB Medicine faculty based on their research achievements and their potential for continued discovery in the basic or clinical sciences. Rowe’s research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate metabolism in the metabolic tissue.

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