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Upcoming Dates

Procedural Skills Facilitator Development is scheduled based on interest. Please register your interest using the button below.

For information about this course, please contact simuab@uab.edu.

Register Interest

"I really like the hands on experience and judgement free learning."

"Thank you. I so needed this"

Course Interest - Procedural Skills Facilitator Development

Please complete the following form to let us know you are interested in a Procedural Skills Facilitator course. We will contact you to learn more about your needs and to schedule your course.
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Upcoming Dates

Procedural Skills Facilitator Development is scheduled based on interest. Please register your interest using the button below.

For information about this course, please contact simuab@uab.edu.

Register Interest

"I really like the hands on experience and judgement free learning."

"Thank you. I so needed this"