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Simulation News

KGCongratulations to our first Sim Champion, Kimberly Glanding!

Over the past two months, UAB Clinical Simulation and OIPS has taken nominations for our first Sim Champion. Our goal is to recognize an individual who has been actively engaged in advocating for simulation, as well as designing and implementing meaningful simulation courses over the past year. We are excited to recognize Kimberly Glanding as our inaugural Sim Champion. Kimberly works as the Sepsis Program Manager for UAB Care.

The people who nominated Kimberly made the following comments about her dedication to quality simulation experiences…

Kimberly has embraced simulation as a method to support her work with UAB Care. With support from her leadership, she has diligently and consistently conducted simulations for the sepsis program. She seeks feedback for improvement and continues to display good simulation practices in accordance with the UAB Clinical Simulation/OIPS accreditation standards.

Kimberly works hard to truly engage learners when she leads the monthly sepsis sims. She has also sought out additional training to continually improve her sim skills. Finally, she is a huge proponent of sim and encourages other members of our department to improve their sim knowledge and skills.