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The MSPH with a concentration in Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences is offered by the Department of Environmental Health Sciences.

The Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) with a concentration in Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences provides an intensive educational and research experience. MSPH students can learn to understand how environmental pollutants affect the health of populations, learn specific approaches for assessing, preventing, and controlling environmental hazards, and learn to communicate scientific findings.

Students are required to determine a focus area in environmental or occupational health, where they will conduct research and prepare a thesis. Coursework prepares students to conduct research on the area of their interest. Research is conducted under a faculty mentor, following the requirements of the UAB Graduate School. It includes determination of a research topic, organization of a research committee, defense of the research proposal, conducting the research necessary for the research topic, preparation of a formal thesis, and presentation of the thesis. The concentration prepares students for applying to doctoral programs and seeking employment in research, government, and industry.

Our goal is to enable students to:

  • Review the theories of environmental and occupational health sciences for research.
  • Perform analytical methods that are used for determining how air and water pollutants impact human health and the environment.
  • Design a study, experiment, or apply analytical techniques using equipment and/or software in an area of specialization in environmental or occupational health sciences.


Students must have completed between 44 and 45 hours, which includes the MSPH core courses, environmental and occupational health sciences concentration courses, electives, and research. Students in the program are required to write and submit a master’s thesis.

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Applicants should have a strong academic record and meet the minimum requirements for admission to the School of Public Health. In addition, students should have some background in math and science and a strong commitment to conduct research (laboratory or field based) as the MS level.

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