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The DrPH Foundational Competencies represent specific skills and knowledge all DrPH students at the UAB School of Public Health are expected to demonstrate upon graduation as defined by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH).

  1. Explain qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, and policy analysis research and evaluation methods to address health issues at multiple (individual, group, organization, community, and population) levels.
  2. Design a qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, policy analysis, or evaluation project to address a public health issue.
  3. Explain the use and limitations of surveillance systems and national surveys in assessing, monitoring, and evaluating policies and programs and to address a population’s health.
  4. Propose strategies for health improvement and elimination of health inequities by organizing stakeholders, including researchers, practitioners, community leaders, and other partners.
  5. Communicate public health science to diverse stakeholders, including individuals at all levels of health literacy, for purposes of influencing behavior and policies.
  6. Integrate knowledge, approaches, methods, values, and potential contributions from multiple professions and systems in addressing public health problems.
  7. Create a strategic plan.
  8. Facilitate shared decision making through negotiation and consensus-building methods.
  9. Create organizational change strategies.
  10. Propose strategies to promote inclusion and equity within public health programs, policies, and systems.
  11. Assess one’s own strengths and weaknesses in leadership capacities, including cultural proficiency.
  12. Propose human, fiscal, and other resources to achieve a strategic goal.
  13. Cultivate new resources and revenue streams to achieve a strategic goal.
  14. Design a system-level intervention to address a public health issue.
  15. Integrate knowledge of cultural values and practices in the design of public health policies and programs.
  16. Integrate scientific information, legal and regulatory approaches, ethical frameworks and varied stakeholder interests in policy development and analysis.
  17. Propose inter-professional team approaches to improving public health.
  18. Assess an audience’s knowledge and learning needs.
  19. Deliver training or educational experiences that promote learning in academic, organizational, or community settings.
  20. Use best practice modalities in pedagogical practices.

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