The ceremony starts at 9:30 a.m. followed by a reception at 11:00 a.m., more information can be found here.
Given by UAB’s Department of Biostatistics, the award recognizes outstanding career achievement by a woman in the statistical sciences. Halabi will be honored at a dinner September 19th in Birmingham, and will meet with students and young faculty at UAB, and will receive a $5,000 honorarium.
In 2002, UAB said each recipient of the Janet L. Norwood Award is to be an internationally recognized statistician. In giving the award, UAB’s Department of Biostatistics said it wishes to “recognize the contribution of all women to the statistical sciences.” It added, “Women have been traditionally under-represented in many fields of science, with the degree of under-representation greater for the quantitative sciences. This denies the field the benefit of the great contributions women are obviously capable of making to the statistical sciences. Establishing this award will help promote the active involvement of women in the statistical sciences at all levels from high school through senior faculty and scientists.”
Norwood was the first woman commissioner of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and is past-president of the American Statistical Association. She served as presidential appointment to the Chair of the Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation from 1993-96, under then President Bill Clinton. From 1979 through 1991, she was the U.S. Commissioner of Labor Statistics, responsible for the Bureau of Labor Statistics and its work in compilation, publication, and interpretation of statistics on employment and unemployment, prices, compensation, industrial relations, productivity, and economic growth. Norwood received a Distinguished rank in the Senior Executive Service from President Ronald Reagan.
Halabi joined Duke University in 1996. She previously served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology in the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine at Tulane University. Halabi has also served as president of the Society for Clinical Trials and chair of the American Statistical Association (ASA) Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies. She is a Fellow of the Society for Clinical Trials and the ASA. She was also the first statistician to ever be elected as a Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. She has authored or co-authored over 200 peer-reviewed publications, ten book chapters, two textbooks on clinical trials in oncology and holds one patent. Halabi holds a doctoral degree in biometry from the University of Texas Health Science Center.