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  • Pokemon Go–Perfecting the Birmingham Region Pokedex

    IMG 4310At the UAB Pokemon Go event, Blaze helped catch em' all. Photo by Sarah FaulknerJared Chesnut - Staff Writer

    At this point, Pokemon Go has gone viral to near epidemic levels. There’s a Pokemon gym at the White House (whose champion is a Flying type, naturally), past popular memes are adopting the app into the common vernacular and everyone from your little nephew to Vince McMahon are throwing around Pokeballs and incubating eggs in the never-ending quest for higher combat powers and team pride (Mystic 4 Lyfe). Birmingham itself is no stranger to this sudden phenomenon of people looking down at their phones cackling in glee, and, should you too decide to throw your hat in the arena, we’ve got you covered with some great places in the area to catch a squad that would put Golden State to shame.

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