Explore UAB

Strategic Plan: Grounds and Waste


Graphic of a branch with three leaves.

Overarching Aim

To produce a comprehensive waste management plan in partnership with external stakeholders to reduce disposal of waste in local landfills and develop the university grounds for ecological stewardship


Implement a net-zero waste plan that encompasses purchasing, operations, recycling, and waste
Foster a culture of zero waste
Formalize commitments to ecologically preferable grounds design and management


Recycle symbol.
  1. 1.Assess total solid-waste and specialized waste amounts produced by the campus and hospital
  2. 2.Benchmark and set goals for waste reduction
  3. 3.Compost major organic waste streams
  4. 4.Develop a student-run recycling center with job-specific learning outcomes
  5. 5.Increase recycling revenue through in-house baling for direct sale of recyclable commodities to the market
  6. 6.Evaluate a business model for internal secure paper shredding for the campus and hospital
  7. 7.Explore innovative technology solutions for grounds management equipment
  8. 8.Design and manage landscapes to support native plant populations and integrated pest management
Image of UAB recycle receptacles.
Group of students planting a tree.